Las Naves, May 16-18th, 2024

An international videogame event in Valencia

What's this all about?

This is the seventh edition of Valencia Indie Summit, an international event that gathered more than 600 fans, creators and professionals of our sector in its first edition, in an exhibition area with more than thirty teams.

In this new edition we will once again bring together independent national and international videogame developers in the city of Valencia —through digital means as much as necessary—, professionals with a broad understanding of independent, and welcoming both those who do not faithfully follow market trends and those who go it alone as far as financing is concerned.

The event will take place on May 16th to 18th, 2024, and will consist of two sections: two days devoted to professionals in the videogame sector —developers and industry respectively— and a third one devoted to the general public. Both sections with talks, round tables, project exhibitions, networking area and a financing and investment table. The event will end with a gala of awards, the "Valencia Indie Awards".

We intend Valencia Indie Summit to be an annual event. Among its objectives are helping consolidate the city of Valencia as a strategic meeting point for this professional sector and opening new international borders for creators and companies.

Attendance at the event is free but requires prior registration. You can find more information on the following links:

Registration Schedule

Valencia Indie Awards '24

The "Valencia Indie Awards" are the prizes that will be presented at the Gala of Awards during the afternoon of May 18th. Developers who have submitted their projects until April 15th, 2024 will be eligible for these awards.

For this edition, the winners for our categories will be selected by a jury of international experts, including renowned journalists, developers and creators.

Best Indie Game
Best PC Indie Game
Best Console Indie Game
Best Mobile Indie Game
Best Game in Development

Best Art
Best Music & Sound
Best Narrative
Best Design
Best Game made in Valencia

Special Audience Award

Special Guests

Pending announcement, we will have more information shortly.

Alongside the current edition of Valencia Indie Summit the community GamEsp Audio will present the first edition of Game Audio Summit, a free-to-attend event focused on the development of audio and music for video games and interactive media, aiming to share experiences and shape the future of the national industry.

The convention will feature his own conferences, round-table discussions, and a lot of networking
Placed on LasNaves on May 16th , 10:00H - 20:00H

Event Venue

Our usual home and headquarters is located in the maritime sector of the sunny city of Valencia, in the offices of Las Naves, a beautiful industrial building sustainably converted for cultural purposes. However, for health safety reasons, our activity can be moved entirely or partially to digital channels. We use technologies such as Discord, Twitch or Youtube.

Las Naves, Centro de Innovación del Ayuntamiento de València

Joan Verdeguer, 16, 46024 Valencia

Phone Number: 963 91 04 77


Partners & Collaborators
